Dec 10 / Mikhail Matytsin

General Game Development Platforms

Unity Learn
Free learning experiences by Unity experts to take your game development skills to the next level.

Unreal Academy
Free, official courses from Epic Games for Unreal Engine, covering topics like blueprints, C++, and world-building.

LinkedIn Learning
Popular courses: include Game Design Foundations, Unity Essential Training, and Blender for Beginners.
Popular courses: Create Your First 2D Game and Pixel Art Character Animation for Games.
→ Website:


Popular courses: Become a Game Designer & Developer: Coding to Design SeriesUnity Game Development: 2D & 3D Essentials for Beginners.

Hosts classes on game development topics, including pixel art, Unity game mechanics, and Unreal Engine workflows.
Popular courses: Create Your First 2D Game and Pixel Art Character Animation for Games.

Offers specialized game development courses, such as Introduction to Game Design and An Introduction to Programming for Video Games.

Features extensive tutorials on tools like Unity, Unreal Engine, Blender, Maya, and Substance Painter.

Harvard University offers this program, delving into 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and collision detection. It utilizes frameworks like Unity and LÖVE 2D, along with languages such as Lua and C#.
Harvard Online
→ Website: link to the course