Sep 23 • Mikhail Matytsin

Music YouTube Channels

8-bit Music Theory - channel about music from video games with breakdown and deep analysis.
Music Matters - Learn music theory, aural tests, music composition, sight reading, piano and more! Prepare and practice for music exams and diplomas with Music Matters.
12tone - channel for people who wants to write better music and not only in video games.
Ryan Leach - Videos about the craft of writing music for film, TV, and video games.
Game Score Fanfare is a show that celebrates music in video games, an aspect so overlooked as that's often the point: to work without you even realising it's there.
The Gaming Bard - explores music in video games, and dives deeper into explaining why particular things make us feel or react the way they do.
Guim is a music theory channel that aims to provide you accurate transcriptions of retro video game music (NES, SNES, Genesis, Gameboy, Amiga, and more) in addition to educational videos that hope to provide musicians a wealth techniques and insights for their own music and analyses.
Spitfire Audio makes inspiring sounds and composing tools for music creators, in collaboration with the world's greatest composers, musicians, engineers and studios.