Y Combinator

Sep 10 / Mike Matytsin
The overall goal of YC is to help startups really take off. They arrive at YC at all different stages. Some haven’t even started working yet, and others have been launched for a year or more. But whatever stage a startup is at when they arrive, our goal is to help them to be in dramatically better shape 3 months later.

YC invests $500,000 in every company on standard terms. Our $500K investment is made on 2 separate safes:
  1. We invest $125,000 on a post-money safe in return for 7% of your company (the “$125k safe”)We invest
  2. $375,000 on an uncapped safe with a Most Favored Nation (“MFN”) provision (the “MFN safe”)

Link: https://www.ycombinator.com/